quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014


Having an idea Did you know that music and zombies are connected ?? No ?? So pay attention to the six steps below and you'll know the connection.

First Step

First Step The first movie that came with the conception of zombie was "White Zombie", in 1932. In that time, the person became a zombie through a potion.

Second Step

Second Step In 1968, the American director George Romero created a new conception for the undead. He left out the magic potions to present to the public the rotting corpse that creeps awkwardly manner emits grunts and is attracted to noises. This new conception came up with the movie "Night of the Living Dead."


Third Step The conception about the rotting corpse that creeps awkwardly manner and emits grunts was changed in the Resident Evil film franchise, in which, the zombies are fast, and are attracted by the smell too.

Fourth Step

Fourth Step Another movie with the same conception as the one mentioned before, we have World War Z, fast zombies, but in this movie, the origin is a virus and the transformation human-zombie occurs in seconds. The origin of the virus is unknown, and during the movie, the hero thinks of a way to not be detected by the zombies.

Fifth Step

Fifth Step Based on zombies, Frank Darabont create a TV series based in a post-apocalyptic world, full of zombies where a groups of people try to survive day-by-day, praying for the salvation of the human race. The name of this serie is: "The Walking Dead".

Last Step

Final Step Talking about The Walking Dead, the north-american Eminem, in his most recent job, Rap God, just mentioned the series, making an allusion about being a zombie.